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AUMA Actuators Ltd

AUMA Actuators Ltd

LocationGeneration House, Yeo Bank 3, Kenn Road, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 6TH

Tel No: 01275 871141
Parent Company: AUMA Riester GmbH and Co KG
Accreditations: ISO 9001;2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 Achilles Verify. Safe Contractor accreditation. NICEIC accreditation.
We are the UK subsidiary of the global AUMA Riester GmbH and Co KG, the world’s largest manufacturer of electric valve actuators with 2,800 employees in 30 locations. Our UK head office is in Clevedon, just south of Bristol.

We are specialists in electric actuators and help you with qualified technical advice in planning, technical support, installation and commissioning, as well as service, maintenance and training. We are certified to ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001, regarding products and services.

We offer tailor-made service agreements and our service assignments are always accompanied by a detailed report - which facilitates your maintenance planning. The right service and maintenance at the right time makes for a better, safer and more economical plant.

Our modular approach drives our success, making us responsive, flexible and innovative, building the actuation solutions that exactly meet your needs. We automate valves of any type, from a 2 inch ball valve to diverter dampers many metres high.

AUMA actuators form a crucial interface to control systems, more important than ever when considering IIoT/Industrie 4.0.

We provide comprehensive support for actuators and gearboxes, including supply, servicing and maintenance.

We invest in a range of renewable energy technologies, reaping returns through reduced energy costs and meeting sustainability goals, saving over 236 tons of CO2 and generating more than 420 MWh of energy.

We generate electricity from 178 photovoltaic panels on the roof of our office and warehouse, whilst heating and cooling is generated using electric air-source heat pumps. The building’s lighting uses energy-efficient LEDs and we operate a fleet of electric and hybrid vehicles.
  • Actuator linear - Electric
  • Actuator linear - Electro Hydraulic
  • Actuator linear - Hydraulic
  • Actuator linear - Pneumatic
  • Actuator Rotary - Electric
  • Actuator Rotary - Electro Hydraulic
  • Actuator Rotary - Hydraulic
  • Actuator Rotary - Pneumatic
  • Gearboxes - Manual
  • Gearboxes - Motorised
  • Instruments - Limit Switches
  • Subsea Products - Gearboxes
  • Auma
  • AUMA Actuators Ltd
  • Sipos